children’s ministry



At Buffat Heights, we care about our children and their families! We are committed to building up the next generation of believers! Whether you’re a current member at Buffat Heights or you’re a visitor, we want to help you in your relationship with Jesus.
Why Boom? Well, Boom means “Because of our Maker!” Everything that we do should be to glorify our Maker! That’s our goal here at Buffat Heights Baptist Church!
Our ministry Scripture is Proverbs 22:6 which says: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” We want to train our children in the only way of truth and of life, so that they will not neglect their faith when they are older. We want to make disciples!
For more information on Buffat Heights Children’s Ministries or to get involved, email me at


Ben Donnell | Children’s and Preschool Pastor
Monthly Newsletter
Weekly Schedule:



9:30a Children’s Church

11:00a Sunday School

6:00p Buffat Heights Sports Association & Children’s Choir


6:30p- 7:30p


Children’s Church

Buffat Heights holds a children’s church service for Kindergarten thru 3rd grade during the main service. This special time gives kids more opportunity for interaction and learning in a context and manner that may be better suited to their age and learning styles. Our friendly children’s church volunteers have an endless stream of creativity –ranging from crafts, to games, to object lessons.

Sunday School

We also offer classes for all children: Kindergarten through 5th grade. Join us as we learn about stories in the Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelation!

BoomTown ballers (January-May)

Our children kindergarten thru 5th grade on Sunday nights in the spring participate a variety of sports as we also learn how to pray!

Children’s Choir : Boom box (September-December)

Our children kindergarten thru 5th grade on Sunday nights in the fall participate in a musical stage program each year at Christmas time!

Wednesday Nights

Join us as we explore the Bible together, learn Bible basics, and learn how to apply it to our daily lives!

Mark your calendars for VBS:

June 8th-12th, 6-8:45 PM